Friday, June 5, 2009

morning ritual

6am: dog whining to go out to pee, stagger out of bed. start coffee, dog cleanup potty pad. get shoes on.

6:30 wake up girl to get ready for school. rinse berries and put in little dish. gt cereal ready. napkin. mat. pour coffee with (now) almond milk. unsweetened of course despite the pounds of Splenda I consume in a day. test BG. 220. bummer. correction bolus with pump.

7:15 drive carpool to school. takes 30 minutes each way. no traffic today is a plus! Kids all singing Rhianna and Lady Gaga. cute.

8am make oatmeal and get on workout clothes. Put in Tracey Anderson DVD. put on GoWear Fit armband to track by activity today. Get on Daily Plate from to track my food today. little bolus of insulin for oatmeal.

9am feel good from the bouncing around in the living room to DVD. Wake up hubby to go for Friday coffee walk. test. bolus for coffee- 170 after walk... funky, should be lower. Must be hormonal. ( always a great excuse but in this instance it's true.)

now- heading out soon to meet kindergarten after school end of the year party.

I feel like I've had a full day already!

Tonight is First Friday in Downtown Campbell. I have to go because all the shops stay open late for buyers.

What buyers?? Nobody comes in. Ok, maybe like 5 people.
I have decided to just paint tonight instead of sitting there, and also set up and easel for my daughter too. It's way more fun that way and besides, I might as well be productive!

SO that's my day. I'll blog something super interesting tomorrow, like why we shouldn't be drinking cows milk or How my awesome hubby set up a tv in the garage so I can watch Tivo while I run.
Love you hon!

Aloha Friday!

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